Thursday, January 14, 2016

It's Just Me, Emily(4 years later)...

I forgot how amazing and calming blogging can be.  When you have a million and one thoughts that go through your head and you can't keep up with them, it is always a good idea to have an outlet to release those thoughts in a judgement free zone. 

It has been a solid four years since I've blogged on any site. A lot can happen in four years. A lot can change in four year. And four years can change a person enough to make them unrecognizable compared to the person that they were four years ago. So yea...this is the hello, check up, update, whatever you may want to call it, for any readers that may have been waiting for another post. Sorry it took some time to get back on here. Let's just say I was, uhhh, busy for the past four years?

Let me give you a quick overview of where these past four years of life have landed me...
-in a steady/serious relationship(like serious as in I think he's the oneđź’Ť)
-manager/wedding consultant at a well known bakery(check my bucket list!!!)
-second year of living on my own in a cute apartment above a flower shop
-I can't go a day without coffee
-I have children(animal children)
      -Willow the rat
      -Yoda Gregory the rat
      -Mac the cat 
      -Cheese the cat
-candy & cheese is my main food intake 
-I enjoy the green leafy plant(a lot)
-I do a whole lot of nothing and enjoy it 

I think that's a pretty good catch up of where life has put me in four years.  I'm 99% sure that this blog only has one reader...which would be me. So that's fine. I think I have a tendency to talk to myself, so maybe this blog will help that habit that puts me in awkward situations. 

I'm done rambling away and not making a lot of sense about anything.
WARNING:most blog posts will be wordy, disorganized thoughts, and lots of random stories. 

Enjoy a couple updated picture of my life...four years later.
                 Oh, it's just my face. 
               My little lady, Willow.
               My snuggle bug, Mac.
          The baby, Yoda Gregory.
                      Queen Cheese. 
    Love of my life. Best friend. My babe.