Bucket List

1. Read the hundred must read books

2. Host Saturday Night Live

3. Learn to dance

4. Go for a bushwalk in the Australian outback

5. Complete a marathon

6. Complete a triathlon

7. Dog sled in Alaska

8. Hike the Appalachian trail

9. Join the 50 States Marathon Club

10. Run a 5k

11. Run a 10k

12. Bike through National Geographic's 10 Best Bike Trails in the World.

13. Learn how to ride a unicycle

14. Learn how to skateboard and longboard

15. Learn how to sail

16. Go water skiing

17. Take horseback riding lessons

18. Ski the Alps

19. Ski the Andes

20. Swim in all of the Oceans

21. Become a black belt

22. Learn archery

23. Learn fluent ASL

24. Teach English in a foreign country

25. Snorkel in a shipwreck

26. Cliff dive

27. Scuba dive in the Barrier reef

28. Swim with sharks

29. Go white water rafting

30. Go on a cruise

31. Learn to surf

32. Visit the wreckage of the Titanic on a submarine

33. Ride in a hot air balloon

34. Go paragliding

35. Go skydiving

36. Zip line 

37. Go base jumping

38. Go bungee jumping off a bridge

39. Go hiking in the rain forest

40. Go fire walking

41. Drive a race car

42. Ride a mechanical bull

43. Climb mount Kilimanjaro

44. Climb mount Everest

45. Sleep in a train

46. Drive down route 66

47. Dune buggy in the desert

48. Travel to the moon

49. Swim with the dolphins

50. Hold a koala bear

51. Ride an elephant

52. Run with the bulls

53. See the northern lights

54. Take an airboat ride in the Everglades . Visi

55. See the pyramids of Giza, Egypt

56. See the Statues of Easter Island, Chile

57. Visit the seven wonders of the world:

-Machu Picchu, Peru

-The Colisseum in Rome

-Petra, Jordan

-Christ Redeemer, Brazil

-The Great Wall of China

-Chichen Itza, Mexico

-The Taj Mahal, India

58. Visit all 50 states

59. Go to Oktoberfest

60. Participate in La Tomatina

61. Learn how to knit

62. Watch the American Film Institute's 100 Funniest Movies

63. Become a morning person

64. Go on a shopping spree, no spending limit

65. Get married to the love of my life and best friend

66. Have kids

67. Own a house

68. Make a house a home

69. Become a yogi

70. Join the peace corps

71. Donate blood

72. Make a documentary

73. Start a bakery

74. Go on a missions trip

75. Own a tea cup pig

76. Own as many dog breeds as possible

78. Attend a super bowl

79. Attend the world series

80. Spend a night in a haunted house

81. Win the lottery

82. Give a $100 tip

83. Learn to do a back flip

84. Be a part of a flash mob

85. Grow a garden

86. Backpack in Europe

87. Crash a wedding

88. Jump in a taxi and yell, "quick, follow that car!"

89. Visit Antarctica

90. Feed a baby lion

91. Go on a safari

92. Boat down the Amazon River

93. Visit Christopher McCandless "magic bus"

94. Attend a Summer Olympics

95.  Attend a Winter Olympics

96. Go cage diving with sharks

More to come...

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